Here is the configuration file for Snazz Trader. The file is the same for both ESX and QB-Core.

Config = {}

-- Variables
local second = 1
local minute = 60
local hour = 3600

Config.Framework = "qb" -- "qb" or "esx"
Config.Target = false -- Using QB-Target, true or false (QB Only)

Config.AlertNearby = true -- Alert the player if there is a trader nearby
Config.AlertDistance = 15.0 -- Distance between the closest trader and the player to call the alert

Config.CommandEnabled = true -- Enable or disable command to display trader timing
Config.Command = "trader" -- Command the player will use to display trader timing

Config.MoneyType = "bank" 

 	ESX: 'money' = Cash, 'bank' = Bank, 'dirty' = Dirty Money
	QB-Core: 'cash' = Cash, 'bank' = Bank, 'crypto' = Cryptocurrency

Config.TraderOptions = {

	TraderPosition = vector4(376.96, 3569.15, 33.29, 77.52), -- Vector4 format

	TraderModel = "a_m_m_ktown_01", -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/

	TimingConfiguration = {

		TimeToSpawn = 10 * second, -- Amount of time it takes for the Trader to spawn
		TimeAvailable = 10 * second -- Amount of time the Trader will be available for

	TraderBuyEnabled = true, -- Enable or disable the buying option in the menu
	TraderBuyOptions = {

		-- Label: What will be shown on the menu as the name of the item
		-- Item: What the item is called in the database
		-- Price: How much the item cost to buy
		-- isWeapon: True/False (Is the item a weapon e.g. pistol)

		{label = "Sandwich", item = "sandwich", price = 1000, isWeapon = false},
		{label = "Water Bottle", item = "water", price = 300, isWeapon = false},
		{label = "Assault Rifle", item = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE", price = 300, isWeapon = true}

	TraderSellEnabled = true, -- Enable or disable the selling option in the menu
	TraderSellOptions = {

		-- Label: What will be shown on the menu as the name of the item
		-- Item: What the item is called in the database
		-- Price: How much the item cost to sell
		-- isWeapon: True/False (Is the item a weapon e.g. pistol)
		{label = "Sandwich", item = "sandwich", price = 1000, isWeapon = false},
		{label = "Water Bottle", item = "water", price = 300, isWeapon = false},
		{label = "Assault Rifle", item = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE", price = 300, isWeapon = true}

Config.MenuOptions = {

	Header = "Snazz Trader",
	BuyButton = "Buy Items",
	SellButton = "Sell Items",

Config.Discord = false -- Enable or disable discord webhooks (put your webhook in server/discord.lua)
Config.Debug = false -- Only enable if asked to by Discord support

Last updated